Employee assessment is one of the indispensable activities of companies nowadays. It happens regularly, and has an important role in the development of the company in the future. To help you better understand this activity, take some time to explore the information provided below.
Contents included:
- General overview of employee’s assessment
- Criteria:
- Working attitude
- Professional knowledge
- Soft skills
- Work results
Now is the detailed contents:
General overview of employees’ assessment
Employee assessment can be considered as one of the most important steps in the employee management process to be able to evaluate the level of completion of the job, the ability to fit the job, the company from any employee within a certain period of time to devise a fair reward and punishment regime.
At Phuoc Thanh Company, the employee competency assessment is conducted twice a year, the results of the evaluation are the basis for the Board of Directors to develop an individual development strategy, or propose bonuses, salary increase.
The first criterion we need to mention is the working attitude because attitude determines efficiency. A competent employee displays the following attitude:
- Confidence: Confidence is a very important factor for every person, it gives you the courage to overcome all obstacles.
- Dream: Time is an important factor in assessing the professionalism of each employee. Effective time management is also one of the criteria for employee evaluation. You don’t have to work 12-14 hours a day, but the time you have to work must be really effective. This is exactly what all companies are concerned about.
- Careful: Attentive care about the job will be the factor that brings good work efficiency, which is also the factor that helps to win the trust of colleagues and superiors.
- Respect: It is mandatory that employees must have respect for their superiors and colleagues. Then there is respect for partners. Certainly, there is no company that wants rude, grumpy and inadequate employees.
Remember that in life and work, the golden secret for successful people is that we should all respect and be humble. Respecting competitors is generous. Respect for all people is the upbringing.
Teamwork is a prerequisite for building a strong team and sustainable development. For the company, the spirit of teamwork is needed many times, in the spirit of teamwork, people can love, support, help each other to progress in work as well as in life. This creates the cultural identity and healthy lifestyle of the company, therefore, it has created a trap for human resources to help the company become more prosperous.
Enthusiasm at work will help the working atmosphere become urgent and professional, highly appreciated by customers. Enthusiasm, passion is also a factor that brings great work results extremely well, greatly benefiting the company.
An honest employee is always appreciated because they know the difference between right and wrong, fair-minded to work well.
For company owners, employees who are always in a positive spirit at work are those who can stick with the company for a long time and always have a progressive job. These people will contribute a lot and bring the working environment in a professional, friendly and positive way.
- The spirit of inquisitive and progressive learning
With the current 4.0 industry era, if you do not constantly update and upgrade yourself both in terms of expertise and skills, you will surely be a loser.
Advancing at work is the desire to complete the work that employees want to achieve. Adaptability brings positive effects at work, including mental and physical.
- Expertise: Professional knowledge is a combination of knowledge, profession, and work experience that each individual must have when participating in any current profession for example: professional knowledge of accounting, construction, safety, etc. So, when you have better knowledge than others, the job opportunity will also be higher, it is one of the three factors that determine success in work and his career.
- Kỹ năng mềm: In addition, employees are ready to receive and complete additional tasks, not afraid of difficulties, and concurrently perform other employees’ duties when they are absent. These is the criteria to find out the best one.
There are many methods of assessing employee competencies, currently, Phuoc Thanh is following the quantitative method, you can see details in the Company’s Regulation of staff capacity assessment.
In addition, an indispensable part of the success. The work efficiency of each employee is soft skills.
The skills that we need to equip to be ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and to assert our capabilities include:
Problem-solving skills consist of analyzing, recognizing and evaluating a problem so that we can propose solutions by ourselves, or at least can be minimized its consequences.
The problem-solving skill is a soft skill of very high importance among the skills needed for workers today. According to the above report, in 2020, up to 36% of jobs will require candidates to have complex problem-solving skills!
Critical thinking skills are simply understood as using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of solutions, conclusions and give different approaches to problems.
Creative thinking is a process of creating ideas, testing ideas, etc. These results are more or less new things that we have not seen before.
The creative criteria here are “novelty” and “value” (more useful, more advanced than the old one).
Thanks to innovation in technology application, the company is able to develop new products and services to serve the constantly changing needs of the market.
When machines come to the throne, the resources of elite talents will play an even more important role in the activities of companies or organizations. Therefore, HR management skills, with the nature of well exploiting human resources for corporate and social development, will be an important skill that a manager needs to cultivate.
Teamwork skills are the ability to interact among members of a group to develop the potential and capacity of all members and promote work efficiency.
People are highly social creatures, born to work together, those who feel the sense of teamwork will be more attached to work, maintain high productivity, promote creativity, create profits for the company and improve the level of happiness for themselves.
Today, in modern society, almost all jobs require each individual to work in a certain team.
- Assessment skill and decision making
In an informatic age considered as gold and silver, companies are striving to collect as much information as possible. Of course, they need individuals who can handle, analyze and make “game-changing” decisions based on this amount of information.
In addition, managers expect employees to be able to acquire and contribute strategic ideas to colleagues and superiors.
Negotiation is a skill to conduct an exchange, discussion with one or more parties to reach an agreement. Situations that need to be negotiated taken place when there are conflicts or common concerns to be addressed. An individual who fully masters negotiation skills must possess a quick reaction, good listening skills and a sense of comfort to the opposite person. In parallel with that, they also have to know how to argue and persuade at the same time.
- Trí tuệ cảm xúc/ Emotional intelligence
Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer – considered to be the father of the theoretical framework for emotional intelligence, defined as follows: “the ability to track one’s feelings and emotions as well as those of others, distinguishing them, and use this information to guide your thinking and actions.”
5 elements that make up emotional intelligence:
The ability to understand yourself: Knowledge of your own inside states, interests, resources, and intuition.
Self-control: The ability to manage one’s own inside states, impulses, and resources.
Motivation: Emotional trends that guide or assist in achieving goals.
Sympathy: The ability to understand the feelings, needs, and concerns of others.
Social skills: Proficiency in evoking desirable reactions within others.
The company always appreciates individuals who have the ability to positively impact the awareness, attitudes and behaviors of those around them.
Work result
Mức độ hoàn thành công việc cũng là một trong những nhân tố dùng để đánh giá nhân viên, đây là tín hiệu cho người quản lý có thể thực hiện đánh giá tốt nhất về hiệu suất của nhân viên. Thông qua tiêu chí này những nhà quản lý sẽ đưa ra được những kế hoạch đào tạo phù hợp và những chính sách giúp nâng cao năng lực nhân viên tốt nhất.
The level of task completion is also one of the factors used to evaluate employees, which is a signal for managers to make the best assessment of employee performance. Through this criterion, managers will come up with appropriate training plans and policies to help improve the best staff’s capacity.
In conclusion, to assess one employee’s performance, we must consider the following criteria:
- Working attitude
- Professional knowledge
- Soft skill
- Work result
You already know how the company evaluates its employees’ capabilities, right!
As mentioned, the purpose of employee evaluation is to improve work performance, promote employees, and motivate them timely, help employees overcome shortcomings quickly to ensure progress development in the company. So let us look back at ourselves to understand where our capacity and strive, improve ourselves, contributing to building the company going further!