What is HSE’s Place In Your Organization?


– In today’s business working environment, companies are under increasing pressure to comply with the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) regulations. Increasingly, companies look for an integrated approach to these issues to keep their costs low, avoid potential risks and even to protect their corporate image.

– By choosing the appropriate HSE model, then build the HSE strategy to achieve the set objectives. If this is not done well, the risk of promoting your business in the wrong direction or leading to waste of time and effort is entirely possible. So every company needs have their own strategies and policies suitable for long-term sustainable development. Understanding the benefits and importance of the general development trend of the world, in the HSE work, at Ptcons:

1. We always value our employees

At all active sites of PTCONS, the health and safety of employees, subcontractors and all related personnel are extremely important. Our goal is no incidents. We have turned Health & Safety into our company’s core values and implemented a comprehensive HSE policy. Senior managers are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment, by keeping all management personnel responsible for all aspects of health and safety. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and we always encourage all to participate.

2. Working environment

– Because of the goal of reaching out to the whole world, we always try and make constant efforts to comply with the policies required by law. Always invest in modern and appropriate equipment, contributing to a safe and healthy workplace.

– We strive to continuously adjust policies, update knowledge as well as technology and science. By focusing and training our employees, we convince them of the importance and direct benefits of safety rules. This approach makes it possible to work together, minimize and prevent risks, which in turn leads to the success of our company.

– Whether you are a small or medium organization or an organization with thousands of employees, it is certain that you also need an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) to ensure that you and your colleagues in safe conditions. All systems of the company must be written, communicated, practiced and ensured a number of factors below:

3. Risk assessment

– Risk assessment helps you protect employees from potential hazard and your business avoid potential fines. After identifying potential hazards for your employees, you can identify safe non-compliance areas and propose appropriate solutions.

4. Regular meeting and communication strategies

– Creating a suitable meeting schedule for health, safety and environmental staff is key to review existing HSE strategies and successfully implement new initiatives. In addition, build a clear communication plan to promote collaboration and reduce confusion in emergencies. Schedule HSE staff meetings weekly or biweekly, and make sure to appoint a meeting leader and prepare an agenda to ensure effectiveness of meetings. Create a contact table for all HSE employees, a group in email or your internal communication tool, as well as working schedule for an easy-to-access, encouraging transparent communication between groups.

5. Organize training program and document system

– Employee safety training programs may include fire / tornado / earthquakes, accident simulation and even first aid for medical training. Other types of training includes proper use of PPE, forklift safety and hazardous waste management. Although OSHA does not require documentation on all types of training, this is the best way to keep documents. These notes may be useful when planning future training.

6. HSE Leadership role

– Unsafe behaviors increase the risk of accidents at work and needs to be managed properly. Therefore, the role of HSE leaders must be very close and bring different specific effects to achieve the lowest rate of incident. This is done and verified through many indicators (not just by the business’ report) and the face of many other troublesome risks. For example, the safety career in construction industry, almost employees has little interest in Managers because they are scrutiny experts, catch behavioral errors and penalties, etc and Safety training every day .. This also leads to lots of discomfort from the surrounding individuals in the organization.

– Therefore, Prevention is maximized but how responds to unavoidable incidents are. HSE sets new standards for other businesses and even regulatory agencies and standards organizations must follow. The status of the organization’s leadership will reflect a lot of its reputation and brand value.