Management training program at Ptcons 12/2019

Management training program at Ptcons 12/2019

– At ptcons, people are the most valuable asset. As the Ptcons developed, the Ptcons also developed. In order to ignite passion and urge employees to develop to higher positions is one of the top concerns of the Board of Directors, so Ptcons developed a training program for all employees to improve their knowledge. self awareness as well as professional skills, peace of mind to accompany, long-term attachment with Ptcons.

In charge of training: Department of Quality Control, P.HR, HSE, Marketing.
Program advisor: Mr. Tuy Hai.
Objectives: Under the direction of the Board of Directors of the company, training the inheritance management team in maintaining and developing high quality human resources at Phuoc Thanh Construction Joint Stock Company.
Participants: managers from CHP upwards are working at Phuoc Thanh Construction Joint Stock Company.

Paying attention to developing high quality human resources, training the successors in operation and development is one of the strategies of Phuoc Thanh Construction Joint Stock Company today. Through training sessions to share knowledge will help people better understand the role as well as identify ways to handle work through real situations at the work based on scientific theory. modern.

In particular, creating all the conditions for human resources to develop comprehensively, with high expertise, ready to take on more jobs when necessary is the policy throughout the training plan of ptcons.

The program content includes:
Opening training session
Part I:
+ Overview of management knowledge for managers in the business with necessary skills.
+ Topic: Management in the business from theory to practice
Part II:
+ Topic: Negotiating partners
+ Thematic: Team management – subcontractors
+ Thematic: Project arrangement.

The training programs will target office workers, construction sites and are carefully invested in quality and quality. Surely, through being continuously equipped and fostered in knowledge and skills, the company’s staff will become more and more confident, enthusiastic, and join hands for Ptcons’ strong development.

(News, photo: Ptcons Communication)